Monday, January 21, 2013

Master Gardeners, Jan. 27

Seeds, Seedlings, and Master Gardeners

January and February are great months to begin planning and starting your Spring and Fall plantings. In addition to information, the UCCE/LA County Master Gardeners have packets of seeds and free seedlings to give away.

Red Russian Kale loves the cold weather we've been having.

Edible Chrysanthemum, Shungiku. This Mediterranean native was taken to the Orient in ancient times, then made it to the US from Japan.  Its tender edible greens and flowers have a unique zesty flavor. 

Calendula "pot marigold" is an edible flower, easy to grow, blooms for months, also a long lasting cut flower.  Will reseed in your garden...this is a good thing!

Bloomsdale  Spinach grows best during cool weather. Harvest young.  We also have seeds so take a package and keep sowing all winter/spring long. It's Master Gardener Sarah's favorite spinach.
Cilantro/Coriander  "Santo"  is a good container variety.  Can also grow inside in a bright sunny window.

Red Salad Bowl Lettuce is easy to grow and has tasty red leaves. Loves this cool weather!

Our wonderful Master Gardener volunteers complete an intensive training program in all aspects of gardening and are a font of information. They give their time teaching others, especially in low-resource communities.

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