Metro's route to a greener L.A.

LA Metro is visiting the Green Tent!
The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transit Authority operates the nation’s largest fleet of compressed natural gas buses – 2222 vehicles providing safe, clean, reliable, on-time and courteous service. About 1.4 million passengers board Metro buses and trains every day.
Stop by the Green Tent and
- Get information on Metro transit programs as well as bus and rail schedules
- Get answers to your questions about our Expo line
- Find out about Metro's Green Construction and Renewable Energy policies
- Learn what Metro's doing to make it easier to park and ride...plug in and ride...and bike and ride

They'll be lots of give-aways, including Metro to Be Green Canvas Bags, Recycled Pens, Pop Up Buses/Trains and Bike Pocket Guides and Maps.
Total pollutant emissions from bus and rail operations decreased 20 percent – that’s 362 tons -- between 2010 and 2011. Over the last decade, as Metro switched from diesel to CNG buses, air toxic pollutants were reduced by more than 92%. LA County residents taking transit offset about a billion passenger car vehicle miles each year; this translates to saving an estimated 420,000 metric tons of CO2 emissions annually!
The American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials recently recognized Metro for its vision and leadership in the area of sustainability and environment. Metro's Environmental Institute, developed to better create environmental and sustainability-related awareness, offer energy and resource management training programs, and better manage our hazardous materials and waste, was recently recognized by the National Training Institute as a model program for other transit agencies across the nation.