Monday, February 18, 2019

Master Gardeners - February 26, 2019

Return of the Master Gardeners!

With all the rain we’ve been having, your soil is just begging to be planted. So come to the Green Tent on Sunday, February 24 from 9 am to 1 pm and pick up some free seeds and a plant to get you started. There are lots of great gardening articles and monthly tips for LA County gardeners at this website but you can stop by the booth and  UC/CE LA County Master Gardeners will answer your gardening questions, 

This month, they’re giving away different varieties of peppers, from sweet red and yellow to mild anaheims and hot chilis. Get ready to make your favorite warming soup with the leeks you pick up, topped off with your own parsley, already started for you. 
fresh dill

Season it with some dill that you’ll grow yourself. Then add a delicious side dish of sugar snap peas — it’s nearly an entire meal from your backyard or patio!
snap peas

To learn more about how to grow, join one of these four-week Grow LA Victory Garden classes, run by Master Gardeners all across LA, including one at the Learning Garden at Venice High School.

Have a Gardening Question? 
Email with a description of your concern or question. Attaching photos will help the Master Gardener diagnose the problem. OR, you can phone in your concern or question by leaving a detailed message at (626) 586-1988

And please, if you have any empty six packs (plastic, not beer!), let the MGs recycle them next month with even more plants to give away; just bring them to the booth.

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