No one
likes to find poo on the bottom of their shoe, which is one reason to pick up
that “deposit” right away and dump it in a trash can.
But did
you know that canine fecal matter left on the ground can harm your dog, your
neighbors’ dogs and your dog’s neighbors?
As poo sits on the soil, it becomes,
according to the EPA, “ as dangerous a pollutant as toxic
chemicals and oil.” Pet waste can spread parasites including hookworms,
ringworms, tapeworms and Salmonella!
Add in
rains or over-zealous lawn-watering and fecal bacteria/parasites wash into the
storm drain and end up in the Santa Monica Bay. Not just yucky, but death to
our local marine life.
Even though
you can now see that dog poop is a serious matter, we’ve created a little game
of skill and luck that you can play at the Green Tent this Sunday.
You'll also see an example of a Dog Waste Station like the ones the Green Committee hopes to see installed around Mar Vista.