The Department has developed a new long range strategy (Mobility Plan 2035) that provides a roadmap for achieving a transportation system that balances needs of all road users. As an update to the City's General the Mobility Plan 2035 incorporates "complete streets" principles and lays the policy foundation for how future generations of Angelenos interact with their streets.Comments on the plan close 5.13.14.
Please check out the Plan and the Draft Environmental Impact Report at: la2b.org.
Here are the ways you can submit your thoughts and suggestions on the draft plan and draft EIR by May 13, 2014 at 5 p.m.:
- Email your comments to my.la@lacity.org (include your name, telephone, and contact information).
- Send us your comments via mail to: My LA, Project Planner, Department of City Planning, 200 N. Spring St., MS 395, Los Angeles, CA 90012 (include your name, telephone, and contact information).
- Send a fax with cover sheet to: (213) 978-1477 (include your name, telephone, and contact information).
- Comment using any of the Planning Department's
- Use the Online Town Hall to comment and have a discussion with others.