Monday, March 5, 2012

Mar Vista Green Garden Showcase – a teachable moment!

Port of Los Angeles High School Visits Our Green Garden Showcase!

What an amazing example of the power of community and the lives that are touched by our garden tour.

Lynda Hammersmith shared the news about

The Green Garden Showcase

with her friend Rachel Bruhnke who teaches a class at Port of Los Angeles High School // High School (POLAHS) called Environmental Engineering Studies. Where others see a fun day, Rachel saw an opportunity to move the curriculum out of the classroom. Her students, some of their parents, and Rachel are caravanning from San Pedro to take part in this amazing tour of examples of urban agriculture. What a way to connect people living (and growing!) the solution to each other, and to empower all the participants who will see that another world already IS possible, and happening all around us.

The class looks at the current issues in energy, water and food and how to make these systems sustainable for both the people and the planet. The kids are actively engaged in learning about issues that directly affect their lives today and their futures as well. The class is built around activities that involve them in a current events reader, as well as guest speakers and lots of local walking field trips to study renewable energy and water catchment technologies, urban agriculture, and community design ideas. They have an urban agriculture club, a summer urban agriculture internship, and work at a community garden at a neighboring public housing complex during the year.

As a way to "multiply" the effect of what they are learning, they are putting on a Green Festival at POLAHS in early June to engage all of our 950 students in actively learning about environmental issues, technologies and challenges.

They are very excited to be able to participate in Mar Vista's Garden Tour! and are so grateful to the committed folks of Mar Vista for pioneering this idea for the rest Los Angeles.

One of the first things Rachel teaches her class is the saying of the philosopher Emmanuel Kant: "The Actual Proves the Possible". She can't wait for her students and herself to see all the wealth of urban solutions on this tour. As Rachel said, “Our youth deserve, and are hungry for, opportunities to learn examples of what adults are doing to better the world for all of us. It will empower them to do the same.
You never know, some day we may be inviting people from Mar Vista on a Sustainable San Pedro Tour!”

For more info on the tour see here !

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