Thursday, February 19, 2015

Master Gardeners, February 22

It seems like they're a week early but February 22 really IS the fourth Sunday of February and that means another Green Tent visit from the UCCE/LA County Master Gardeners, 9 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.. 

Here’s what they’ve grown this month, plus you can pick up packets of seeds as well!  It’s all free—they’ve planted organic seeds, grown organically just for the Mar Vista community.

Due to an accidental overabundant planting they have ALOT of Broccoli Raab, an Italian favorite, with tasty shoots, buds and leaves. 
Click here for a simple delicious recipe.

Start your salad garden with the European Lettuce mix: A bouquet of reds and greens that are exceptionally heat tolerant.

Throw in some Glory Glory Frisee, also known as curly endive to add body, crispness and nutty flavor to salads.

Then top it off with Shelling Peas, heavy-bearing vines. Expect BIG yields! You can eat these with or without cooking them.

And Super Sugar Snap Peas, the chunky, sweet flavored pods and peas, with better disease resistance.

Or Oregon Sugar Pod Peas, tender, edible-pod snow pea ideal for stir fry, if they make it into the kitchen before you eat them. You can eat these without cooking too.

Then cook these up as a side dish: Heirloom Greens, Quick Stir Fry Blend. Use the “cut and come again” method. Plants will regrow for several more cuttings.

Swiss Chard, use the leaves like spinach and the stems like asparagus.  Heat tolerant!

Blue Borage, sky-blue starry flowers with a mild cucumber taste. Use as garnish and decoration. Also brings pollinators to your garden.

Don’t forget to Be WaterwiseClick here to see monthly gardening tips here: 
And remember to bring your empty plastic six pack “pony packs” to the farmers market so the Master Gardeners can fill them with plants to give away next month!

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