Green Communications initiative's Walkit! campaign at The Green Tent this Sunday as they partner with the Los Angeles Unified School
District for the annual gonzo WALK TO SCHOOL DAY. This global event takes place Wednesday October 7th.
All Mar Vista
students - and their parents! - are encouraged to walk or bike to school for this international day of clean air and student safety! Be a part of
communities from more than 40 countries around the world walking and biking to
school that day.
in 1997 as a one-day event. Over time, it’s become part of a movement for
year-round safe routes to school and a celebration – with record breaking
participation – each October. Today, thousands of schools across America – from
all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico – participate.
Come to The
Green Tent and check out the many fun and customizable ways to participate on WALK
TO SCHOOL DAY October 7th.
WalkIt! initiative is simple: drive LESS/walk-bike-skateboard-hula hoop MORE.
Communications Initiative is a nonprofit public benefit corporation devoted to
people consuming responsibly.